3 Chichan - Cacao & New Moon Fire Ceremony & Medicine Songs
Thursday 6. June 6 - 9 pm at Erdbahnhof, Bahnhofstr. 10, 15306 Lindendorf, Dolgelin
Cacao ceremonies have been around for thousands of years, dating back to the Mayan and Aztec traditions of Central and South America, used for spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes for inner awakening and creative guidance.
Chichan, the central Toltec-Maya symbol of the feathered serpent, traditionally relates to the planet Venus as the morning star. The ceremonial centre of Chichen Itza strongly features this cosmic symbol. Every year at the Spring Equinox thousands of people gather to witness the afternoon sun as it creates a descending serpent shadow along the ancient steps of the Pyramid of Kukulcan.
Open up your heart and soul and gaze into your own eyes, for therein lie the eternal rhythms of the universe. Never forget you are part of the vast cycles of life, connected and interconnected to all other living things. Reconnect, re-embrace and re-align with your inner fire, your koyopa. Let it burn bright again.
Let´s come together for an evening of connection to the medicinal plant IxCacao, connect to the energy of the day due to the Mayan Calendar and burn, release and purify heavy energies at the fire. Finally gather around the fire to sing Medicine Songs together.
Never forget you are part of the vast cycles of life, connected and interconnected to all other living things.
A ceremonial evening with
Annette & Tiziana
regular price 30,-
reduced price 25,- Euro