Dream Healing

When we close our ordinary eyes, our eyes of vision opens.

In the language of ancient Egypt, a dream is both an awakening and a place. When we close our ordinary eyes, our eyes of vision opens. When we go dreaming, we travel to other places - perhaps to other times or other dimensions and/or receive visitations from other travelers. From this ancient perspective, dreams are not just things that bubble up from the personal subconscious when we sleep; they are places we go and experiences in which we awaken to realities that may be more, or less "real" than everyday physical existence. This perspective is wiser and deeper than much contemporary discussion, in which dreams are often described as passive and entirely personal experiences.

Dreams are not „forms“. In fact, we are the stuff that dreams are made of. Often dreams remind us of repressed desires, potentials, longings or even traumatic experiences. If we repress them, we sometimes lose a part of our soul.

Dream healing is more important than ever for me, because during the last years during in the pandemic and now in times of great changes, we have dreamed differently and lived differently. During this time, many things have changed in us, in the world and also in the collective field. Many speak of a lack of purpose, feeling indecisive, tired and exhausted. There are many people facing challenges and confusion.

So when „the old“ is falling apart and „the new“ is still not fully there, we are asked to rely on our own strength, capacities and potentials. In this time for me we can awake the inner Alchemist. An alchemist is someone who transforms things for the better!

And this alchemist is a dreamer and capable to travel into the unknown to form and shape your inner landscape into a creation that is fully yours.

How do you want to dream?

And what does our soul actually want to tell us?

Which dreams were lost? Or forgotten? Its time to recover them!

And most important, who do you want to become right now?

Through the beautiful method of dream healing which I was able to learn from Robert Moss, we can travel together into nocturnal dreams and retrieve lost soul parts, strengthen our own creativity and regain inspiration.

Conscious dreaming combines modern, active dream therapy with shamanic healing through dream journeys.

It can awaken our creative strength, inspire us, detach ourselves from old patterns and habits, heal our ancestral lineage, bring the dead to light and bring parallel life and thus also our life back into flow. Dream work can make us active dreamers who sometimes make a radical U-turn in their lives, since they clearly follow their inner guidance and the synchronicities of life.

Pictures by Cosmic Collage & Nicole Heidbrink

  • Dream Healing Session - 88,- Euro for 90 Minutes ONLINE

    Connect to your soul & excavate the treasures of your dreams

    via Online (zoom)

    each additional 30 minutes

    cost 20,- Euro extra