The Solar Path Retreat

24. - 27. July 2025 - Hof Jakob - in nature outside of Berlin

Empowerment & Universal Love

Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan feathered Serpent Goddess Nature Spirit Mother Earth Pachamama Priestess Princess of Nature Ñustas Karpay Creativity Sound Healing Dance Sacred Embodiment Archetype Storytelling Nymph Mermaid Dragons Awakening Spirituality

Become Quetzalcoatl - the shining one

The solar path is the ascending feathered serpent rising in consciousness and becoming visible in one´s unique self-expression blessed by the sun. It’s the power of pure light and love. Open your rainbow wings to fly into your new becoming. By understanding your unique soul blueprint, you can consciously plant that light seed and bring it consciously into your work. It´s the great work with the Master Plant Cacao and being connected to Nature. It´s the Path of the Keeper of Life as sacred.

The solar path helps to strengthen who we are by expressing what is within us through art and spirituality. Through creative expression and spiritual practices, you will strengthen your self-determination, your sovereignty and empower yourself to walk the path of universal love and empowerment.

Receive seven beautiful initiations to connect with your primordial feminine power. With each initiation, you will journey deeper into inner healing, unlock your creativity and become a pillar of light.


Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan feathered Serpent Goddess Nature Spirit Mother Earth Pachamama Priestess Princess of Nature Ñustas Karpay Creativity Sound Healing Dance Sacred Embodiment Archetype Storytelling Nymph Mermaid Dragons Awakening Spirituality

Temple of Ceremony

Cacao ceremonies have actually been around for thousands of years, originating all the way back to Mayan and Aztec traditions in Central and South America, used for spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes for inner awakening and creative guidance.

The cacao ceremony is a way to connect with your being and with your spiritual guides on an energetically Level.

It is a way to travel into the energetic world where you can release so much accumulated energy, and you can open up to receive so much energy from mother earth and the cacao Spirit.

During a ceremony, the intention is to reconnect with unity, the feeling of being interconnected with nature and everything around you.

The prophetic Mayan calendar it functions as a metaphysical map of the evolution of consciousness and records how spiritual time flows

𓂀 Experience Cacao Ceremonies and connect with the Plant Deva

𓂀 Connect to the Unified Field of Consciousness

𓂀 Embark on the Path of Right Action & love interconnected with the harmony of nature.

Quetzalcoatl Kukulkan feathered Serpent Goddess Nature Spirit Mother Earth Pachamama Priestess Princess of Nature Ñustas Karpay Creativity Sound Healing Dance Sacred Embodiment Archetype Storytelling Nymph Mermaid Dragons Awakening Spirituality

Temple of Creativity

Express your creative and artistic talents through spiritual practices. Spirituality and creativity are deeply intertwined, each enriching the other in profound ways. Spirituality involves seeking connection, meaning, and a deeper understanding of existence, while creativity serves as a vehicle for expression and exploration of those inner truths. Engaging in creative activities can be a spiritual practice, allowing yourself to tap into your intuition, reflect on their experiences, and channel their emotions into tangible forms. Whether through art, music, writing, or other creative pursuits, the act of creation can foster mindfulness, promote healing, and cultivate a sense of wonder. Ultimately, both spirituality and creativity invite us to explore the mysteries of life, encouraging us to express our unique perspectives and connect with the world around us.

𓆃 Archetype Work

𓆃 Voice Activation as a Powerful Healing Tool

𓆃 Awake your Higher Consciousness

𓆃 Leaf & Stone Reading

𓆃 Receive the Blessing of the Sun and Access the Solar Codes

𓆃 Creation of Sacred Altars & become a Map Maker

Temple of Ñustas

The Nustas Karpay are initiations from the Inca tradition. The essence of these initiations is to activate and strengthen the contact with the primordial feminine force.

Ñusta means goddess or princess and Karpay means initiation or opening.

During the initiations, the feminine potential that can be „dormant“ in each of us, is reactivated through the chakras. These connections through the chakras provide a greater connection with Mother Earth, Pachamama, so that one can easily open up to what is. It is a consciousness connected to the wise power and strength of the feminine and the web of life.

❂ Mama Ocllo - Earth Goddess -  Opening of chakras and capacity of self-healing

❂ Doña Mujia- Water Goddess - Letting go of stuck emotions and softening

❂ Mama Goddess of Sacred Site - Connecting to your soul family

❂ Mama Simona - Goddess of Love - Opening of the heart chamber and receiving blessings

❂ Mama Theresa - Wind Goddess - Activating power and expressing your authentic self

❂ Marai Sakapana - Seer Goddess - Strengthening your visionary power

❂ Huana Huaman Tiklla - Creatrix Goddess - Rising into your freedom of soul flight

Pampamesayok - Earthkeeper

I am a Mistress of Ceremonies and I am walking the path of an earth keeper. For me it is a heart wish to bring the soul nourishing Inca wisdom to the western world. I learned from The Four Winds Society, by Dr. Alberto Villoldo and I am certified in Luminous Healing and Energy Medicine. From November 2014 - 2016 I was learning directly from the peruvian shamans, so called Paqos at the Serena Anchanchu School in Holland. I was initiated by them as a Pampa Mesayok; Keeper of the earth.

With deep respect and honor to my beloved teachers, I received the permission to transmitt these initiations.

An Earth Keeper is a person who sees with the heart and reconnects with the spiritual and universal laws and forces. Everything in the universe and on earth is living and vibrating energy. An Earth Keeper opens up to these invisible worlds of energies and natural forces.

What are the Ñustas Karpay

These seven powerful initiations connect us with 7 female arcetypical forces. They will bring balance into our female and masculine energies, open our heart and strengthen the connection with our ancestors and mother earth.
Through these Initiations we will journey deeper to inner healing and open the portal to mythic wisdom. We will learn how to use female powers for healing. With each Nustas/Goddess we will crack open, heal old wounds, unlock our creativity, become pillars of light and embody the Goddess. Each Nusta is connected to other Goddesses of ancient times and help us to recollect old ancient wisdom, connect with power places all over the world and activate these powers within us.

Why receive the Ñustas Karpay Initiations?

The Nustas Karpays are guardians of great knowledge. We can create a very personal connection with them and thus attain mystical knowledge ourselves. The initiations enable us to harmonize our chakras and let go of painful experiences. Each initiation is a very special ceremony in which we not only receive this knowledge, but also release blockages and pain from our heart and system, reconnect with our inner child and invite joy and abundance into our lives.

Munay Medicine

These Initiations supports us to open ourselves to Munay. Munay means Love. The universal heart is the vehicle to make forgiveness and inner liberation possible. Living with an open and receptive heart means that we practice Ayni (sacred reciprocity), become a vessel of compassionate love, retrieve our lost soul parts, meet our shadows and experience emotional clearing. And we begin to act peacefully and live in integrity.

  • Thursday - 24. July

    Arrival between 4 - 5 pm

    5 - 6 pm opening circle & ceremony, connection circle and Sacred Dance

    6 - 7 pm Dinner

    7 - 10 pm Receive the 1st initiation - MAMA OCLLO & MANCO KARPAC - Plant the seed of your own kingdom and queendom!

    The first rite activates the Kundalini power and brings healing and seeds of light into the chakras.

  • Friday 25. July

    8:30 - 9 am morning meditation

    9 - 10 am breakfast

    10 am - 12pm 2nd initiation - MAMA SERENA - Come into the flow! Breathwork & activation with the Sacred Waters & Voice activation

    This second rite is associated with water and releases the negative aspects of the ego.

    12 - 2 pm Sacred Embodiment - Goddess Representation - creating Altars

    2 - 3 pm Lunch

    3 - 5 pm 3rd initiation - MAMA SIMONA - Come home!

    Connection to our ancestors, the priestesses and goddesses. Journey to the places of power and mystical temples of this world.

    5 - 7 pm 4th Initiation - Doña Theresa

    This fourth rite is connected to our heart in order to purify it, to “make” our emotions pure and to see life through the eyes of our heart.

    Prayer Bundle Ceremony

    7 - 8 pm Dinner

    Fire Ceremony

  • Saturday 26. July

    8:30 - 9 am morning meditation

    9 - 10 am breakfast

    10 am - 12 pm Sound Journey and Voice Activation

    12 - 2 pm 5th initiation - MARIA SAKAPANA - Free yourself from everything that no longer serves you!

    2 - 4 pm Lunch

    4 - 5 pm creating sacred Altars in Nature - create new Maps

    5 - 7 pm 6th Initiation - HUANA HUAMAN TIKLLA - Become aware of your feminine power!

    7 - 8 pm Dinner

    8 - 10 pm Cacao Ceremony & Dance

  • Sunday 27. July

    8:30 - 9 am morning meditation & journaling

    9 - 10 am breakfast

    10 am - 12 pm Journey to the crystal cities

    7th Initiation - THOMASA HUAMAN TIKLLA - Become aware of your cosmic connection!

    Blessing of your Ñustas Mesa

    12 - 2 pm Representation of the Ñustas - channeling of messages for the collective - closing circle

    2 - 3 pm Lunch

    4 pm Departure


Seminar Fee:

333,- Euro

Cost for accommodation & full Board at Hof Jakob:

Flat rates for meals, seminar venue and accommodation per person = €260 to €290 at Hof Jakob.
Overnight accommodation on Hof Jakob:
Overnight stay on the farm in your own tent/car: 260,-
Overnight stay in the yoga barn (8 mattresses) sleeping bags must be brought along 275,-
Overnight stay in the Tinyhaus (7 sleeping places, large freedom 4 beds, Interim 3 beds) 295,-
Overnight accommodation outside (approx. 20 minutes‘ walk along the Jakobsweg from Hof Jakob).
Overnight stay in the hostel in a double room = 305,- Overnight stay in the hostel in a single room = 335,-
Hostel capacities: either 3 single rooms and 1 double room and 1 triple room (8 beds in total) or
2 single rooms, 2 double rooms and 1 triple room (9 beds in total)
Overnight stay in the manor house in a double room: = 395,-
Overnight stay in manor house single room: = 455,-
Manor house capacity: 5 double rooms (which can also be used as single rooms)

Please write Karin Bracht to mention your accommodation choice.

Karin Bracht

Telefon // 033603 416588

E-Mail //


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