About Annette Assmy - Founder of the Mystery School of the Soul
Welcome dear one,
My name is Annette - I am a filmmaker, a dream teacher, a priestess of the soul, a storyteller, a cacao guardian and a mistress of ceremonies. I walk the path of an Earth-Keeper. My purpose is to bring soul-nourishing Inca wisdom to the western world. I am, above all, a Spiritual Seeker. This unfolded when my father died when I was seven years old. Since then, I asked myself: What happens after death?
These Questions brought me on many fulfilling adventurous Journeys to many countries like India, Indonesia, Mexico, and Israel. I lived some while in Mexico, where I met the Huicholes and made my autobiographical Documentary about Healers and Shamans.
When I was a Youngster, I had some dreams which came true. All these events led me on my spiritual path.
I always was interested in many cultures, indigenous teachings, and spiritual teachings like the Incas, the Mayans, the Egyptians, the Druids, and the Toltecs. I have always tried to find the universal essence in things. My main goal has always been to unite spirituality and creativity.
As a spiritual Seeker, I am curious to travel into the Unknown and be in awe of the Mystery of Life. My value is the freedom of speaking your truth, the freedom of being inspired, empowered, and uplifted by your truth and inner richness. I want to encourage women to find their playfulness and empowerment.

Certified in Luminous Healing and Energy Medicine
by The Four Winds Society
Dr. Alberto Villoldo
Learned directly from the Peruvian shamans, Paqos
at the Serena Anchanchu School in Holland
Initiated by the Paqos as a Pampa Mesayok
Keeper of the earth. Since 2013 she is giving Energy Healing Sessions, Trainings and making group seminars (The Rite of the Womb, Medicine Wheel Training and Munay-Ki etc.)
Certified Dream Teacher Trainer
from the Robert Moss School of Active Dreaming. Her conscious Dreaming practice opened the Portals to the Egypt Mystery Schools
Cacao Guardian & Facilitator
Cacao Guardian Training completed with Mama Cacao, Berlin and with Izaias Mendoza & Ana Isabel Perez, Lava Love Cacao, Guatemala
certified as an Oracle Divination Board Reader by Isis Indriya at the Academy of Oracle Arts