‘The Otherworld’
Dream Sanctuary at Genezarethkirche
NEXT DATE 20th OF JUNE 2025!
- Awake the oracular dreamer within you -
In ancient greece, many temples were built dedicated to the healer god Asklepios. This god was believed to have the power to cure people from a variety of illnesses (mental, emotional, physical) within sleep and sacred dreams. To enter these sacred sites they needed to go through periods of fasting and purification and taking part in invocation rituals before finally lying down upon a ‘sacred skin’ to await a miraculous healing dream. This process was called incubation - ‘to lie upon’. These Dream Clinics existed for over 2000 years and its main intention was to reconnect the people with their Soul and live from it.
As active Dreamer, we travel consciously into the dream space for healing, Initiation, Adventure and Inspiration.
We invite you to a performative and spiritual healing Journey that will take you to the ‘ancient’ Dream Temple of Asklepios.
You will be guided through various Dream Stations that will strengthen your Intention to be healed, to get inspired and find answers.
Initiations, mystical Dances, Sound, ritualistic Embodiment, Purifications and Performance will bring you closer and deeper into the Otherworld where the vails between the seen and the unseen become thinner.
You will meet the Oracle Consciousness and dive into a space which intention is to commune with the divine.
Each visitor, participant and dreamer will have the chance to bring a question, a wish, a desire and/or an intention or even a declaration for healing, transformation, change or whatever needs healing in this moment that can be answered during the overnight-experience due to enhancement of our consciousness.
We will expand our capacity to commune with the divine and access our subconsciousness.
The Dream space is an archetypical, spiritual, creative and inspirational space where we call upon representation of the divine that can support us to step out of our ordinary mind and open up to something greater.
The Dream Temple is NOT a religious based space but everyone is welcomed; no matter which religion, culture or background you are coming from.
☽ June 20th of June ☾
Evening Programm
☽ Invoking Remembrance ☾
Dream Incubation for personal Dream Healing
5:30 pm open doors
6 pm Meet & Greet
Soup & Pot Luck Dinner
- please bring some food to share
7 pm opening ceremony with Annette Assmy & Anja Siebert-Bright
Enterning the Sleep Sanctuary - Purification Rituals
8 pm Sleep Sanctuary Portal opening
Gong Bath - Elisa Lindenberg
8:30 - 9:30 pm Invocation of the Dream Oracle & Mnemnosyne
Guardian of the Sanctuary Performance
Storytelling & Music
Annette Assmy & Uschi & the Boobs
9:30 - 11 pm Embodied Ritual of Lethe & Mnemnosyne
Priestess of the inner Sanctuary Performance
Group Ritual from Forgetfulness into Remembrance
11 - 12 pm blue Lotus Ceremony & Sound Journey
Invoking the mystical Dreamer
Annette Assmy & Cristina Bucardo
12 pm Gong Bath - Elisa Lindenberg
Portal Painting - Julia Pandit
Sacred Sleep
next morning
☽ June 21rst of June ☾
8:30 - 9 am slow awakening & journaling of the Dreams
9 - 10 am Breakfast in silence
10 am - 2 pm Dream Oracle - Dream sharing
Deciphering of the Dreams
Creation of a Ritual Dream Theater
final closing Ritual
©Vision & Idea:
Annette Assmy
Chaskawisdom aka Mystery School of the soul
In Collaboration with:
@cosmic collage
Pictures by
Christian Pfeiffer
Beda Mulzer
Anna Schorr
20th Friday - Overnight experience - Dream Incubation
Book one overnight experience on Friday Night
including Rituals, Concert, Performance and Ceremonies and morning Dream Oracle Session
Friday Evening - Remembrance
Join an evening full of Rituals, Performance Concert & Ceremonies
Personal Healing

Podcast ‘Deutschlandfunk’ about the Dream Sanctuary - German Language
Dream Sanctuary Podcast
Dream Sanctuary Podcast •
With the Dream Sanctuary, Annette creates a place to come together and be. Here she imparts her clear knowledge directly. Under her guidance, people of all denominations meet in a benevolent and supportive way in the shared experience of art, music and breathing together. In this shared space, there is room to lovingly face fear and everything that shows itself. Experiencing the power of one's own dreams, sharing them, deciphering them together and combining them into one big one is strengthening, healing and inspiring.
Thank you Annette for this beautiful and profound experience of the Dream Sanctuary. Spending these two days and nights in a (very special) church has rooted me in and opened me up to something i cannot describe yet. Everything is still sinking in and it doesn't yet feel easy to find words for it but i will try to grasp what i can say right now. I felt at home in the field you opened and we all cocreated together. I loved feeling simultaneously guided and free in the whole experience, feeling structure and enough space for inner and outer unfolding. Hearing the insights and impulses from you and everyone else in the group gave me lots of inspiration and knocked on doors inside. I loved how so many things came together. I loved the playfulness at times while having this knowing of how meaningful all of it is. Thank you so much for bringing us together in this space. For letting deep wisdom and beauty come through and magic unfold. Thank you for reminding me that each and everyone of us is a portal of its own, that we are equally important, that we are interwoven.