New Moon Online Ceremony - Pathway to the Stars - Pleiadian Starcode Activation
10 am - 12:30 pm Berlin CEST
5 - 7:30 pm Bali time WITA
Ashiana will share an embodiment transmission. For creating our bright future and experiencing that which we do wish to create and see in the world. Guided by the starbeings and councils of love, to create our highest destiny.
Wear comfortable clothes for movement and bring a journal to write in.
Annette will open to the Star Portals to receive energetic Star Light Transmissions. This Transmission is connected to the Pleiades and the 7 Hathors.
Everything is living energy and when we vibrate in aligment with the cosmos, it´s more easier to manifest our dreams and change our lives.
In the ancient Egypt seven goddesses named the Hathors, represented by seven cows, composed the celestial herd that provides the nourishment to her worshippers. This herd is observed in the sky as a group of stars, the Pleiades, close to Aldebaran, the main star in the Taurus constellation.
Hathor is also worshipped in the form of "Seven Hathors”: these seven goddesses are the Pleiades shining in the sky , usually represented by seven cows, often associated with a bull, as a heaven herd providing the nourishment, bread and beer, in the Underworld. We find again the Taurus, with Aldebaran its main red star, as one of the most ancient group of stars viewed as a constellation, also in Egyptian area. As the Seven Hathors, she was the goddess often present at birth. Able to foretell the future, she was connected with the Nile inundation and the abundance of the grain harvest.