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Winter Solstice Online Ceremony

Winter Solstice Online Ceremony

21.12.2023 7 - 9:30 pm Berlin CEST - 6 - 8:30 pm UK time

For the Solstice immersion Patrick will guide us through a group of Emotional tapping, Kriya and physical release exercises. Focusing on relaxation to stabilise the nervous system. With the intention of setting the tone for a rooted visualisation journey. A guided meditation that holds and reconnects us into our ancestral, mycelial and master tree networking systems that are branching worldwide. Focused on grounding into a strong pillar and foundational platform of Earthly nature ready to receive Annette's Orion star Activation.

We offer the invitation to bring a candle, A bowl with water to bless during and offer after ceremony and a sacred item/crystal to have throughout. You're welcome to bring Anything you feel to have there to make a small alter of offerings or to charge throughout the online ceremony please feel into this intuitively as guided.

The Orion Star Activation & the white Lions

The belt of Orion in the (pre-) Incan cosmovision is aligned with three very powerful sacred sites of this earth. In the energetic transmission, Light Seeds will be 'planted' into your auric field to awaken a memory of these sacred sites, their wisdom and the power that resides in the leylines in order to return to the cycles of the cosmos. When we attune with the grid of mother earth and connect it within our auric field, we can vibrate in a more unison energy with nature and the cosmos.

The white Lion Activation is an energetic transmission of pure Star Light. In many native and indigenous tribes the white Lion is the most pure Being and they come from the Star Constellation of Orion. It is time to re-align with them and connect ourselves with the cosmic cycles of life. We are equal with all Beings on this planet and the white Lions are here for us in these challenging times. They bring us courage so we become fearless and walk in Beauty on this planet, keep peace and bring Love and Light everywhere.


Annette Assmy & Patrick James

December 15

Cacao & Prayer Bundle Ceremony

January 28

3 TZIKIN - Cacao Ceremony & Medicine Songs