The Love of Auset & Ausar

An archetypal journey into the Mysteries of Kemet

Gateway to the beloved one

30. December 2024 - 4. January 2025 Assuan, Egypt

We consciously step into the mysteries of Egypt, land of the ancient soul within us all. This Retreat gives the participants a design for the marriage of the body and soul, life and death, the tangible and the hidden. Through dramatic enactments, dance, transmissions, offerings to the divine and ceremonies, we can identify ourselves with the Isis (Auset) and Osiris (Ausar) that are seeking reunion in each of us.

The myth of Auset & Ausar allows us to enter a consciousness that is the gateway to transcendent & cosmic love. This story of two spiritual soulmates still resonates for us today, whether we are seeking to join the disparate parts of self or searching for a mate to bond with, soul to soul.

It is also the gateway to higher consciousness, towards the star constellation of Orion; represented by Ausar (Osiris) & Sirius; represented by Auset (Isis). The union of these galactic star portals within us, creates celestial pathways between our spiritual and our human self.

This Retreat helps you to embrace your inner union and release DNA blockages against such unity. Beyond any material outcome to expect, you benefit from this if your life lacks harmony inwardly and/or outwardly. It supports you to retain your sense of Peace, Grace and Ease.

On an earthly level, this activation Retreat will help you to feel more whole, understand your soul´s longing, find clarity and align your life with the divine. 


Content of the Retreat:

𓋹 Infusing the body with Neters - reconnection to Kemet

𓋹 Mourning the beloved one

𓋹 The Raising of the Djed Pillar

𓋹 celestial Star Transmission

𓋹 blue Lotus Ceremony

𓋹 Temple Dance & chanting

𓋹 Recrowning Auset and being gifted by the Goddess

𓋹 Creating the solar Barge - resurrection of Osiris

𓋹 The Marriage of body and soul

𓋹 creating Altars and ceremonies to honor the sacred couple

𓋹 Journaling & Dream Incubation

Please note that the program can change due to weather, channeling of Annette or any other possible reason.

On-Site Dates

6 days Retreat at the shore of the Nile in a peaceful, natural surrounding in the Eco-Lodge Heissa Camp

30.12.2024 - 04.01.2025 in Assuan

Visit of the Temples:

Philea, Elephantine Island, Kalabsha Temple & Abu Simbel

Visiting the tree of life; Acacia Grandmother Tree

Meeting ‘Haya’; blue lotus pond

stepping into oracle consciousness, divination and ceremonial work connected to the cosmology of Kemet (Egypt)

During the Retreat we will connect deeply with KEMET (Egypt), oracle consciousness, the Neteru and the Nile.

We will dive deep into the Magik of the land of the ancient soul.

The sacred couple Auset (Isis) and Ausar (Osiris) will be our guides. They will support us to reawaken our dormant soul parts that might have been lost, hidden or forgotten in order to plant hope, renewal and a light seed into our consciousness and into the web of life.

The sacred couple Het-Hert (Hathor) and Heru (Horus) will support us in uplifting our frequency into a higher level, connect with the cosmic love and strengthen our electromagnetic field of the heart. They reconnect us with the ancient Lineage of ‘Shemsu Hor’.

The Neteru Maat will teach us how to live in harmony and balance with cosmic law and cosmic truth.

Tehuti brings us the wisdom of the sacred scribe, channeled from the stars with his partner Seshet opening the portals to the everlasting tree of life.

Mama Nile will embrace us in love and let us return into the eternal cycle of reciprocity.

The blue Lotus as a plant Deva brings us messages how can we life in harmony with nature, our environment and the divine world.

This plant deva supports us to open our consciousness into the celestial realm.

Cost for the Retreat

888 €

in a triple or quadruple bedroom

999,- Euro

in a double bedroom

special price for locals:

777,- Euro

Including accommodation in Heissa Camp in a double room, Assuan & half board for the on-site teachings

Not included in the price:

*International Flight to Cairo and domestic flight to Assuan

*Transportation from Heissa Camp to different temples.

* Entrance to the temples. Tips for local driver etc.

Meet your facilitator

  • Annette Assmy

    Founder of the Mystery School of the Soul

Meet our special guests

  • Mohamed Sobhi

    Nubian Wisdomkeeper & Hashim, owner of Heissa Camp


  • 30. December

    Arrival at Heissa Camp

    4 pm Beginning of the Retreat

    Myth of Ausar and Auset

    Infusing the body with Neters - reconnection to Kemet

    Meet & Greet

    6 pm Dinner

    7 pm Full Moon Fire Ceremony

    Purification Rites & Auset (Isis) Activation

  • 31. December

    early morning Sacred Water Ceremony

    9 am breakfast

    Ausar (Osiris) Activation & Nile Ritual

    Blue Lotus Connection

    1 pm Lunch

    4 pm Temple Dance & chanting

    6 pm Dinner

    8 pm Blue Lotus Tea Ceremony

    Sirius Star Activation - the Portal to the Mysteries of Auset

    Celebration of New Years Eve at the Isis Gate

  • 01. January

    6 am Sunset Ritual at the Isis (Auset) Gate

    Recrowning Auset and being gifted by the Goddess

    Visit of the Philea Temple

    12 pm late brunch & rest

    4 pm Mourning the beloved one - Ausar Ceremony

    7 pm Dinner

  • 02. January


    early Departure

    Visit of the sacred site

    Abu Simbel

    Connection to Hathor (Het Hert)


    Travel back to Heissa Camp


    The Raising of the Djed Pillar

    Evening Ceremony on Heissa Island

  • 03. January

    8 am Breakfast

    Early Morning Visit of Kalabsha Temple

    Elephantine Island & meeting the Nubian Wisdomkeeper Mohamed

    Lunch Package

    Meditating at the Acacia, tree of life

    Creating the solar Barge - resurrection of Osiris

    6 pm Dinner

    8 pm Sheshat & Thot Ceremony and Star Activations

  • 04. January

    Final Day

    9 am breakfast

    Swimming & Kayak

    11 am Closing Ceremony -

    The Marriage of body and soul - inner Union Activation

    3 pm Departure domestic & international flight

Sign up

Payment Details

Bank Transfer

Annette Assmy

IBAN: DE77 2908 0010 0284 1435 00 |