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Active Dreaming - the Art & Power of Dreaming

The Power of Dreaming

Sometimes we don´t really know where to go in life, which direction to take, which decision to make. Maybe sometimes we feel lost in all this excessive demands on us. The daily routine with all the stress and hectic, we sometimes lose the deeper sense of life.
The flow of magic, playfulness and creativity - which implies the art to access a deeper reality and brings the gift to manifestation - can become a stranger to us. And sometimes we even forget who we really are; the connection to our higher and true self. This is the time where we can ask our soul AND the Universe for guidance. Our soul and the universe are talking to us through DREAMS, signs, synchronicity and symbols.
In this workshop we will turn towards the Art of Dreaming; not only the dreams we have during the night. Dreams are portals to inner healing, mystic wisdom and creative potential.
We will experience the Power of dreaming.

"...In the language of ancient Egypt, a dream is both an awakening and a place. When we close our ordinary eyes, our eyes of vision opens. When we go dreaming, we travel to other places - perhaps to other times or other dimensions and/or receive visitations from other travelers. From this ancient perspective, dreams are not just things that bubble up from the personal subconscious when we sleep; they are places we go and experiences in which we awaken to realities that may be more, or less "real" than everyday physical existence. This perspective is wiser and deeper than much contemporary discussion, in which dreams are often described as passive and entirely personal experiences.As active Dreamers, we travel consciously and intentionally into the dreamspace for healing, initiation, adventure and inspiration. The royal road for this type of Active Dreaming opens through the gateway of remembered dreams and visions which we proceed to reenter..."

This course contains the following topics if there is sufficient time. Some exercises needs more time for the healing effect:

* Meeting the Gate Keeper
* The Lightning Dream Work
* Dream Re-entry
* Dream Planting

* Dream Theatre

*Soul Recovery through Dreams…


18. September 7 - 10 pm

25. September 7 - 10 pm

This Session will be held in Praxis Here & Now, Greifswalderstr. 208

Our center, the Here & Now, Space for Personal Expansion is located at Greifswalder Str. 208, directly at the M4 stop (Hufelandstraße) between the Rossmann and the Turkish snack bar. You will find us in the backyard, the right side wing - it is a red building with only 2 floors and you can simply ring the bell for the 2. floor at the front door or come in.

AND online via Zoom.
If you cannot attend LIVE, you can join our Dream Circle Online:

Annette Chaskawisdom lädt Sie zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein.

Thema: Persönlicher Meetingraum von Annette Chaskawisdom

Beitreten Zoom Meeting

Meeting-ID: 789 483 0514

Kenncode: 734668


  • one significant Dream

  • note book

  • something to write

  • a mat or pillow to sit on (optional)

  • colorful pencils

  • a sacred item that means something for you (optional)

  • water

  • snacks to share

  • curiosity

September 12

Gateway to cosmic Love - Free Online Masterclass

September 19

Full Moon Fire Ceremony