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Gateway to cosmic Love - Free Online Masterclass

Gateway to cosmic Love - Thursday 12. September 7 - 10 pm via Zoom

This FREE ONLINE Masterclass is for people who are interested in the Egypt Retreat and in my work! Please check it out!

The Love of Auset & Ausar
An archetypal journey into the Mysteries of Kemet
Gateway to the beloved one
18. - 23. October 2024 Assuan, Egypt

We consciously step into the mysteries of Egypt, land of the ancient soul within us all. This Retreat gives the participants a design for the marriage of the body and soul, life and death, the tangible and the hidden. Through dramatic enactments, dance, transmissions, offerings to the divine and ceremonies, we can identify ourselves with the Isis (Auset) and Osiris (Ausar) that are seeking reunion in each of us.

The myth of Auset & Ausar allows us to enter a consciousness that is the gateway to transcendent & cosmic love. This story of two spiritual soulmates still resonates for us today, whether we are seeking to join the disparate parts of self or searching for a mate to bond with, soul to soul.

In the Zoom Call I will tell part of the Myth of Osiris (Ausar) and Isis (Ausar) and will open the space for a small energetic transmission and breathwork.

Beitreten Zoom Meeting

Meeting-ID: 789 483 0514
Kenncode: 734668

August 17

Blue Lotus Ceremony & the thousand petals of Nefertum

September 18

Active Dreaming - the Art & Power of Dreaming