Shamanic Healing
My Approach
For the shamans, everything is living energy, through everything flows energy and it comes from various sources from nature, the universe, the layers of Mother Earth and from ourselves. We are part of this living energy that is constantly flowing and permeating us. When we feel this flow of energy, we feel connected, connected to all being, to the source of creation. Most of the time, however, we feel rather disconnected and our lives stagnate. We feel that some "other power" is controlling our lives, and we think that we can only react to external circumstances.
I will support you to bring this energy back into flow and that you feel connected to all life.
I support you to find clarity, healing, inner peace and harmony while supporting you on your journey to find your own sense of wholeness, stepping into your Self-Empowerment and retrieving your dreams & Visions of your Soul. It´s a path to your divine purpose in life!
Your Benefit
When a person has had a traumatic experience, it leaves an energetic imprint in the energy field of the person. This can cause that we are attracted to the same situations and people, who then trigger this programmed imprint through their behaviour and we experience a repetition emotionally and mentally. We get stuck in our dramas and at some point we feel as if we cannot free ourselves from these repetitions. These imprints can also attract external energies and/or a part of the soul is lost in the experience.
In any energy session, toxic energies can be purified, bad soul contracts (core beliefs) can be dissolved, the self-healing powers of you can be activated and soul parts can be retrieved.
In any energy session, toxic energies can be purified, bad soul contracts (core beliefs) can be dissolved, the self-healing powers of you can be activated and soul parts can be retrieved.
1 Healing Session
LIVE 200,- Euro
Online 150,- Euro
THE DREAMER - Price Package
1 Dream Healing Session (á 60 minutes) - Online or in Person
1 Oracle Divination Board Reading
1 shamanic Healing Session
400,- Euro

Do you want to go deeper?
Do you wish to shed your past?
Shamanic healing sessions to heal the past, shift the unconscious and cleanse toxic core beliefs.
The Earth Element teaches us about stability and grounding. It helps us to stay true to ourselves and make sense of the ever-changing world around us. In humans, the earth element plays an important role in physical and mental wellbeing. When we’re able to embody the earth’s natural balance, it becomes easier to experience health and vitality. From a shamanic perspective, if we lack balance in this element, it is time to cleanse our subconscious, shed our old skin and heal wounds from the past. The Earth element teaches us, that we are stuck on the physical level. We need to heal our body in order to return back to the messages of our Soul. The earth element shows us, that we did not listen for a long time to our Soul ́s voice and therefore are suffering from physical and mental problems. Mainly the core wounding in this element are laying in our childhood. When we heal this element, we can walk through life with more trust in ourselves and in the universal forces. We deeply feel that the universe is benevolent and supporting us.
Trust the universe again!
Are your ancestors still haunting you?
Shamanic healing sessions to heal repetitive patterns, ancestral lineage and overcome our fears
Water represents our intuition, our receptivity, our openness, and our ability to go through or around anything. Water represents emotional release, intuition, and inner reflection.
From a shamanic perspective, if we lack balance in this element, we are stucked on an emotional level. There are still deep rooted issues coming from your Ancestors. When we heal these repetitive patterns, we can open ourselves to the voice of our inner child and our Soul.
It is our soul that communicates with us through dreams and send us messages. In the Dream Healing we can understand again our Soul ́s voice and let us be guided by it. Each dream is a portal to healing, soul retrieval, inspiration, adventure and the healing of our inner child. We cleanse ourselves from external energies and heal our ancestral lineage.
For women, it is also the cleansing of their womb space.
Step into courage!
Have you lost a piece of your soul?
Shamanic healing session to retrieve lost pieces of your soul. Liberate yourself from the roles and taste the sweet nectar of life.
Air represents the breath of life.
It is an exchange of electrons or flow of energy. Air is the primary nutrient. Survival without it is measured in minutes. It is so important that you do it without thinking. Your breathing is the voice of your spirit.
From a shamanic point of view, when we are not balanced in this element, we have problems on the soul level, mostly karmic problems. This may be due to a past life or a parallel life that still haunts us in this incarnation. We may also be trapped in our own identity and identify with the roles we play, but this makes us unhappy. We have lost touch with our soul and our divine destiny. It is up to us to find it again and speak our truth.
Spread your wings!
Are you still holding on to something that no longer serves you?
Shamanic healing session to assist a closing of a chapter within and be reborn.
Fire represents energy, a tool for transformation, connection to personal power, and inner strength.
Fire energy is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination and activity. It is Yang in nature. It is the energy of heat, action, emotion and passion. It is also connected to state of transcendence and instant transformation.
From a shamanic point of view, when we are not balanced in this element, we have problems on the energetic Level. We mostly hold on to something that actually we know already died a long time ago (relationship, job etc.). It is the big step of letting go of something and die and being reborn again. It is the fullest trust in the divine forces.
When we stop to project our issues into the outer world, we can become one with spirit.
Let yourself free!